Tuesday, September 21

Happy International Day of Peace!


“Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.” 


- Robert Fulghum 


Today, September 21, is International Day of Peace. This day is dedicated to peace, and observed in many countries by a temporary ceasefire. Originally celebrated in 1981, the day was inaugurated with the Peace Bell. This Peace Bell, given as a gift by the Diet of Japan, is made from coins donated by children from all continents. Referred to as a reminder of the human cost of war, the bell is inscribed with "Long live absolute world peace." 

Peace Day events are encouraged by the United Nations Peace Outreach Program, and more and more organizations join in the hundreds of worldwide peace-oriented celebrations as word of this day spreads. 


Ways to celebrate peace continue to arise - some communities encourage members to  think globally and act locally, while others engage in respectful communication and expression of  thoughtfulness abound.


Our hope for you is that, whether in grand fashion or solitary observance, your day today is filled with quietude, restfulness, and a time to reflect upon your role in the world. Celebrate your neighbors with a kind gesture, card with a few nice words, a baked treat, or a flower. Let someone know you appreciate them today, and lay down differences in honor of International Day of Peace.


Let us know what you do to celebrate, and how it made you feel! 




Take Notice Card Company 

Wednesday, September 8

Back to School!

It seems like just yesterday that our own son, Myles, was starting school... Off he went to Kindergarten and he never looked back... what adventures! Now he's in college, and we're watching our neighborhood children head off to school this week...

From all of us at Take Notice, we hope that this week brings you and your families joy, and that you find opportunities to celebrate another fun summer. We sincerely enjoy hearing from all of you, so drop us a line and let us know what you're up to - are any of your kids headed back to school this week?

You can find us on Twitter, or on Facebook, too - so sign up, follow us, and join in the conversation!